What Is Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC), SDLC and STLC Stages

Software development is a complex process that requires careful planning, execution, and monitoring. To ensure that the software is of high quality, software testing is an essential part of the development process. Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a process that describes the various stages involved in testing a software application. In this article, we will discuss STLC and how it relates to Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

SDLC is a framework that describes the different stages involved in the development of a software application. The stages include planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Software testing is an integral part of SDLC and is carried out in the testing phase. The purpose of testing is to ensure that the software is of high quality and meets the requirements of the stakeholders.

Software Testing Life Cycle

STLC is a process that is followed by the testing team to ensure that the software is tested thoroughly and meets quality standards. The STLC process consists of several stages, each of which has specific objectives and activities.

STLC-1024x566 What Is Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC), SDLC and STLC Stages

Different Stages of STLC

The first stage of STLC is the requirements analysis stage. In this stage, the testing team analyzes the requirements of the software application and identifies the test scenarios that need to be covered. The testing team also reviews the requirements and identifies any ambiguities or inconsistencies.

The second stage of STLC is the test planning stage. In this stage, the testing team creates a test plan that outlines the test approach, test objectives, test schedule, and test resources required. The test plan also defines the roles and responsibilities of the testing team members.

The third stage of STLC is the test design stage. In this stage, the testing team creates test cases that are designed to cover the test scenarios identified in the requirements analysis stage. The testing team also creates test data and test scripts required for the execution of the test cases.

The fourth stage of STLC is the test environment setup stage. In this stage, the testing team sets up the test environment required for the execution of the test cases. The test environment includes the hardware, software, and network configurations required for testing.

The fifth stage of STLC is the test execution stage. In this stage, the testing team executes the test cases and records the test results. The testing team also reports any defects or issues identified during the testing process.

The sixth stage of STLC is the test closure stage. In this stage, the testing team reviews the test results and prepares a test closure report. The test closure report includes the summary of the test results, the defects identified, and the recommendations for future testing.

In conclusion, STLC is a process that describes the various stages involved in testing a software application. It is an integral part of SDLC and ensures that the software is of high quality and meets the requirements of the stakeholders. By following the STLC process, the testing team can ensure that the software is thoroughly tested and any defects or issues are identified and addressed before the software is deployed.

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